Shells · Narrative Short

Have you heard of the summer cafe near the sea side where magical animals run the place?

This motion piece combines pixel and digital art together to create the perfect harmony. Even with no sound, we can be immersed in the illustration feeling the wind guild through your fingertips and the smell of the bakery traveling far. just when you think you’ve seen everything the small motion details in the background will catch your eyes!

Project Role Art Direction · Animation · Compositing

Programs Proceate · Photoshop · Media Encoder

Final Animation

Background Animation


Character Design

The characters designed in the project are loosely outlined before being drawn, each with their own unique personalities. They are outlined and coloured normally unlike the other objects drawn with pixels. It allows for more differentiation and movement and still blends in nicely with the background.

Motion Details

The subtle motion details in the environment is what makes this piece fun. The different objects flow with the wind and sparkle under the golden sun.


Shells · Narrative Short