BBC 3 Logo · Motion

The BBC 3 Logo has been evolving, with more entertainment channels and programs than ever.

Green is the main colour used for the motion because BBC 3’s newest logo uses a neon green colour. By showcasing the sequence within the green hue, it leaves a longer impression for the audience as the logo has changed multiple times.

Project Role Art Direction · Compositing

Programs After Effects · Cinema 4D · Photoshop · Illustrator


Style Frames

The three style frames are the foundation that sets up the motion. It starts off by drawing the viewers into the screen, then reveals a different reality showcasing the endless possibilities you can find on BBC 3. The end draws the viewers back out revealing that the sequence is make to promote BBC 3.

Story Board

The motion animation begins with a gaming machine resembling the BBC 3 website's shift towards incorporating more entertainment-oriented categories. The buttons and knobs on the machine mirror the interface of the BBC 3 site.

Cinema4D and After Effects

The project primarily utilized After Effects for all the graphics, excluding the gaming machine in the first scene, which was created using Cinema 4D. The scenes were intended to have a 2D appearance, so when working with Cinema 4D, only cell shading materials were used.


Opposing Forces · Title Sequence