She Said · Title Sequence

Forbidden fruit

The movie She Said focuses on the power imbalance in the entertainment industry. Through the testimonies given by the victims of Harvey Weinstein, he shows no regard of the women he violated as they are mere objects used for his sexual pleasure. He was still able to maintain his statues while the victims were silenced and forced to sign an NDA. It’s hard to think about how many women have been taken advantage of and feel hesitant to expose the truth.

Project Role Art Direction · Photography · Graphic Design · Compositing

Programs Photoshop · InDesign · Lightroom Classic




The lighting in this sequence mimics a stage spotlight, drawing full attention to the pear at the center. Elegantly plated with delicate lace decorations, the pear becomes a captivating centerpiece, ready to be eaten. As the sequence progresses, its vibrant color fades in the final frame, bringing the audience back to reality and revealing its rotten, dark side beneath the glamour.


In the sequence, the pear is meticulously peeled, exposing its inner core. Subsequently, the pear is sliced open, exposing its jammy interior that is mashed into smaller particles resembling a puree, showing the insignificance of the victims to the predator.


The font used for the main title is PP Editorial Old and Lato. The serif elegantly highlights 'she,' symbolizing the countless victims in the entertainment industry, while 'said' boldly reflects the strength in speaking their truth.


An Elephant Sitting Still · Title Sequence


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